This category includes all-solid-state digital TV transmitters that can be used indoor and outdoor, such as FUTV series, CZH518 series, FM518A series, and FU518D series. As the latest TV transmitter series developed by our company, the series products can not only support the network organization of single frequency network and multi-frequency network but also support single carrier mode and multi-carrier mode It also supports the single-channel and broadband transmission modes and provides 470mhz-566mhz or 606mhz-806mhz bandwidth. In addition, the series of TV transmitters are composed of imported power amplifiers with high gain and high linearity LDMOS transistors, which greatly improves the linearity and reliability of the products. This series of digital TV transmitters can be widely used in HDTV / SDTV digital TV signal transmission or broadcasting systems and digital broadcasting. Equipped with an intelligent modular power amplifier and an imported power amplifier, it has high gain and high linearity LDMOS transistor. ·Low power consumption, superlinear design, greatly improve the transmitter power, reduce the nonlinear distortion products. It has an AGC function to ensure the stability and reliability of products. Alarm and signal monitoring functions are indicated by LED. The switching regulator, wide range of stability, high efficiency.